Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche ran over to him* Blitz???

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: kiche *licks her snout* i thought you were with your sisters

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: (Is Blitz human now or Wolf?) *Kiche smiles* What I dont always depend on them.

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: (wolf)

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: hey come on want to spend the night with me im gonna stay here and figure out how to fly this helicopter

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche shakes her head.* I cant. I really dotn like the human devices.

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: what its alright i used to live in them it aint so bad there heated so it isnt cold so come on *he pushes her on the helicopter*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche jumps out* I dont like them. *she starts walking back to her sisters.* You are welcomed to come if you wish.

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: hey its ok ive rhode in them for 8 years cause im a war veteran so if you trust me than you can trust this device and also i want to talk to you for a while in private where nothing can hear us *he gets infront of her and rubs her nose with his*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche sighs and walks past him* If we must talk, it will not be in any human device. I dont like them.

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: what ever i wanted to tell you some thing that was from my feelings but thats your loss *turns from wolf to human and starts the chopper*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche shakes her head and keeps walking.* I refuse to get in a human machine. even if it means internal suffering for the rest of my life. *she started running back to her sisters.*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *he closes the door of the chopper and strapps himself in the pilots seat* ok now weapon systems armed fuel full tank stabilizer alright rotor working rear rotor working ok now *the blades start to turn faster and faster until he is off the ground and on his way in the other direction than kiche*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *a silent tear runs down Kiche's cheak. She continues walking.*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz starts to cry, he continues going the other way* man what am i doing damn it idiot idiot

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche runs deep into the forest*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz was still crying so he didnt notice the rear rotor fell off so hes going down fast spinning* IM SORRY KICHE I LOVE YOU

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche had already reached her sisters. She had teleported them to where the helicopter was going to fall. Tantsia used her powers to make the helicopter land without any damage.*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche looked at the helicopter.* *Tantsia used her powers to open the door* *Kiche walked over to the door.* Blitz, you in there?

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz fell out of the helicopter while it was falling*.....*blitz was a wolf again* IM SORRY KICHE IM SO SORRY *he cries again*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *tantsia used her powers to lightly put Blitz down on the ground.*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Tala ran over to Blitz, she used all of her energy to bring him back from the dead. She collapsed from exhaustion.*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: ((blitz already hit the ground before tantsia could help))

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: (better?)

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: (yea) tala no dont waist your energy your still exhausted from the virus

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Tala attemps to give him all of her energy.*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *he wacks her away from him* im ok i am standing aint i

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Fine *Tantsia snorts and then walks away* *Tala follows, and then Kiche follows them* Kiche said: if you want to be a loner, FINE!

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: im ok i only fell what ten feet kiche i love you im sorry i just dont want anyone of you get hurt man screw this *he sheds a tear and turns human again and walks away*

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: ((what happend?))

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: ((umm its realy long so you should read the older comments))

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: ((that would be even longer...))

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: ((ok i can turn human now i killed a whole bunch of soldiers crashed a chopper that kind of thing))

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: ((Lol, he forgot the whole love scene! LOL))

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: ((ohhhh....ok...I don't remember what I was doing though >.>))

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: ((uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh))

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: ((oh well...))Sora was walking around again

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: ((hey kagome what about wolves world))

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: ((what about it?))

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: ((Please stop with the OOC... Private message if you could.... also If you want to involve humans you SHOULD be in the Village@WolfsUnited)

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: *Kiche: was a bit upset. She didnt know Blitz was so idiotic. She felt somewhat left down. She laid in the clearing, her head on her paws. She sighed.*

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *came up to her and looked down at her* Is there anything I can do to help you miss Kiche?

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *looked up, a smile on her face.* Um.. there is one thing.....

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *nods* anything to help miss...

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *a silent tear slid down her face* I need company. My sisters dont work anymore.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looked at her* What do you mean... *he lay beside her, his strong black body near hers as if to comfort her, he brushed her tear away with his muzzle*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: I need someone to be a friend. someone I can count on. I've counted on my sisters for to long. I need another friend in my life. I had Blitz..... But it didnt work out. I'm just so depressed.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *nods* You need Yudan. *he laughs* She's the only one that anyone can truly count on... hell she should be the pack leader... kind, smart, witty... she has all the traits to being a great leader.

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: How can I talk to her? She always runs off.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *grins* She can sense a persons intentions... *he nuzzles her neck gently* She'll come around... She's near the stream if you wanted to go see her

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *thinks about it* I'll think i'll wait untill she comes to me.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *laughs a bit but senced Yudan's coming* Heh just your luck... just greet her and you'll be fine... *he got up and walks off, his large body walks heavily away, disappearing*//// Yudan: *came past some trees and streches out and yawns, her fanges showed white and jagged*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *got up and walked over to Yudan* We need to talk.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *twitched an ear* Alright... *she looked at her and sat down lazily*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: I need a true friend. Someone I can always talk to.

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *didn't smile but took her seriousally* I'll always be here when needed.

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *smiled* Thanks!

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *smiles a bit* Your welcome.

2006-01-07 [kagome-180]: Sora:*Comes out of the bushes on the other side of the clearing* Hello? Is anyone here? *looks around*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz turns human again* huh if im not wanted as a wolf ill stay a human

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz angrily grabs a radio and a gun and walks away hoping to not see any of them again*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: radiochatter: i repeat this is alpha blitz 1 do you read me alpha blitz 1 this is bravo 2 where are you were heading off to war in iraq and we need you here to be the first fighting force in the theatre of war

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: radiochatter: im sorry sir but the chopper crashed and well no one made it, damn it alpha 1 i want you here now so were sending a new prototype fast extraction helicopter it will be there in exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds get your gear ready soldier and MOVE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz looked sad but didnt cry* hm i wanted to be a wolf and settle down with kiche but i guess the only thing i can settle with is being in a war zone getting shot at every 5 seconds

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *the chopper as said was fast so it came to a hover right above him and so he moved to let it land* soldier: come on man the iraqis are about to invade us we need you and your dead on accuracy back at the main line C.O. says we might not live through this to tell about it but this will slow there advance so get on *blitz nodded and jumped on**when blitz jumped on the helicopter went into the air and hit over drive to get back to base*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *&while the helicopter was going they passed over the clearing where kiche sora and yudan were* *blitz spotted kiche and a tear rolled down his cheek so he wiped it away and staired her down with hate in his eyes*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche:*was to sad to notice the copter*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz was actually glad to be a human again but then he mutters* im not a loner i only love you kiche but i guess that was just a dream

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *the radio in the helicopter said this "THIS IS BRAVO 2 THERE BREAKING THROUGH WE CANT HOLD EM OFF FOR MUCH LONGER"* *the helicopter then turned on its thrusters and a loud crack goes off and then the helicopter is no where to be seen*

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Yudan: *looked to Kiche* What exactally happened...

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *the helicopter got there and landed on the beach* LETS GO!!!!!! *blitz jumps off the helicopter and starts killing soldiers left and right*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche:*looked away* Long story....

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *he howls to signal hes ready* COME ON!!!!!!!!!! *he takes out a grenade and throws it*

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche:*ears flicker but she doesnt move.*

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *blitz then makes a suicide run into a machinegun*

2006-01-07 [Yudan333]: Darsha: *looks at Kiche and nuzzled her gently* Don't give up Kiche... There are more out there...

2006-01-07 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *smiles slightly* Yeah I guess.

2006-01-07 [DELTA 1]: *ahhh blitz stopped and took cover behind a wall* whats happening to me *blitz had a sharp pain in his stomach then he turned back into a wolf for good* uh oh *blitz howls his loudest for help*

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz runs to see kiche while he runs he yells her name* KICHE KICHE WHERE ARE YOU

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *grabs her sister and teleports to Blitz. She grabs all three and teleports away deep into the forest.*

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz turns bright silver and takes off* kiche ive got to protect you from whats to come

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: No blitz. dont go!

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz stopped* wha i was going to find you

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: What? You found me.... Really I found you but.

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: no i was trying to find you but you found me but we cant waist time i got to get you guys to the border were being invaded the whole 3rd army is destroyed we cant waist any time but when i get you all to the border your on your own cause i have to stay and help fight

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: What? I'm not going anywhere. If anyone want to fight, i'm here for it!

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: NO you guys will be destroyed easily im the only one here that knows how to fight something 4,000 times are size like a MEGA DESTROYER THATS EN ROUTE TOWARD US SO LETS GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *sat down.* I'm not going anywhere.

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz starts see she is a very stubborn wolf and he likes that* kiche if i saw you get hurt id never forgive myself

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *smiles* I have powers, and sisters. We can take care of our selves. We have been for a long time now. It'll be ok.

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz blushes at her tenacity* yes but i-i *blitz shuts up*

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantsia: *rolls her eyes* // Tala: *giggles as she sees Blitz blush* // Kiche: *stares at him*

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz then stopped blushing and looked down* stay here please i dont want anyone too die ever since that day when we were pups *blitz then turned bright silver and took off*

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *grabbed her sisters and teleported into battle* No one is going to stop me.

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz grinned and whispered* yea thats why i love you so much

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: *when in battle Kiche started teleporting around, randomly slashing throats. As for Tantsia, she had a field day, she got ahold of someones gun, and used her powers to shoot people. Tala was a little more hesistant, but she finally came to her senses. She used her powers to get an army of Bears and Mad squirls to attack.*

2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: *blitz jumped on the mega destroyer while kiche and them were on the ground* THIS IS FOR GIVING ME THE VIRUS *blitz bites down on the fuel line and the mega destroyer blows up while hes on it*

2006-01-08 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy goes to where blitz was."Uhh...."

2006-01-08 [Yudan333]: Darsha gathers his energy, "ENOUGH!" Everything went black, the ground, the trees, the fire, every living-thing was in his grasp now, He throws up his head and gave a booming howl, everything was gone. All the wolfs of the pack were back at the Den. Darsha growls and his black eyes shot at Blitz with a anger so large he looked like he were killing him with his growl. Yudan looked to the others and stood down. Darsha growls and began to yell, "You are all mad... Your not only putting your lives in danger but the whole fucking pack! Killing the humans with rage and anger. Your all a discrase! Wolfs will not be known in MY PACK for killing without reason." Yudan sadly, "We kill to live."

2006-01-08 [Yudan333]: ((>< THIS IS THE DEN if you want to involve humans go to the Village@Wolfs United



2006-01-08 [DELTA 1]: im trying to protect them but kiche wont listen *blitz stares him/her down with crimson eyes*

2006-01-08 [Princess Mononoke]: ((sorry Boss.......) Kiche wakes up and yawns.

2006-01-08 [eyes of frost]: I was wondering if a section could be added for the "Katagaria"?

2006-01-09 [Princess Mononoke]: ((whats that?))

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: ((The Katagaria are those animals that are animals before anything else, but have the power to shift into Humans. The are not were-animals...they are the immortal animal itself. But as I said...they have the power to shift into humans. They are animal before anything else and have respect for humans and their kind alike. If it came to a life and death situation though, the animals would come first being closer in kin and mostly...being an animal themselves. For more--message me..not much more though. Lol))

2006-01-09 [Princess Mononoke]: ((so they are somewhat similar to someone who can change from human to wolf.))

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: ((The don't consider themselves that. In fact...they do not like the were-animals. They try not to hang around them to much but will put up with them if they have to.))

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: ((alright thank you for at least asking Eyes of front it shall be done! ^ ^ Katagaria@Wolfs United))

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked at Blitz, "Blaming another member is selfish, take responsibility for your own god damn actions! And stop hiding like a pup!" Yudan lowers and then spoke up, "Darsha calm your anger... what he did was wrong I think we all did... Lets just calm down and reflect never to do anything like that again..." She said sadly and kindly then looked to Blitz sternly, "We kill to live... not live to kill...." She turns her head away not looking at him.


2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha glared at him, "So you think you can run my pack better than me?" Yudans eyes filled with fear she had a future vision, the den was lit with flame and howls of dying wolfs came to her she looked to darsha pleading not to stand down. Darsha senzes her and still glared at Blitz, "If you do not show respect to those higher than you then you will be put down..." He walks to his post and sat down watching the pack protectively.

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira just watched the happenings on to make sure no one was getting hurt.

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: ((it's ok I am 2... Darsha is yelling at Blitz because he was threatened, and Yudans trying to calm him and the others are just there I'll Private message a better idea kk))

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: "Someone started killing from what I heard -Wasn't paying much attention mind you- And now Yudan is telling them to step off, and stop being macho."

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: ((ohhhhh....ok thanks))Sora((I have no Idea what she was doing so I'll just put her in the scean)) walked out of the bushes

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira just looked at Soar. "Hi there."

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: ((well Darsha teleported all the wolfs to the den for the talk but yes...)) Yudan looked to Sora glad to see someone else that was safe and out of trouble.

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira then looked over to Yudan. "Should I go somewhere?"

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to Katira and smiles, "No you are welcom here in the pack." She nods.

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: "Alrighty then." Katira just lays down and keeps watch.

2006-01-09 [DELTA 1]: I WONT BE PUT DOWN CAUSE IM LEAVING *blitz turns around then turns bright silver and takes off* there all stuck in fog now because i know every escape route out of this region so good luck and good riddance

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha bared his fang he wanted to rid him of this world. Yudan stops him, she had small feeling for blitz but it wasn't love it was pitty, her eyes a soft gold, filled with sadness. Darsha sighs and lowers his attack. Yudan was in relief though she wished Blitz didn't go.

2006-01-09 [DELTA 1]: *blitz snarled* you should have let him kill me even though im not scared of someone like him

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: "Blitz!!" sora yelled after him,she didn't want him to go...

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: Katira just watched him leave and said after him, "Well you didn't have to do that!" And then looked back at Yudan, "Should I go after him before he gets his little butt killed?"

2006-01-09 [DELTA 1]: *blitz glows white and turns invisible* dont follow where im going is no mans land *and he yelled out* HEY KATIRA SHUT YOUR MOUTH IF YOU WANT TO PROVE YOURSELF COME AND FIGHT A WAR WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: Sora ran after Blitz.

2006-01-09 [DELTA 1]: *blitz while invisible rammed sora into the ground and nocks her out* im sorry but im gonna save you and this pack if that scared SOB over there doesnt have the brass cojoneys to do it himself

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: Sora hits a tree and whimpers,"Blitz....." then passes out

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: "Oh hell. Stupid little wolves..." Aktira got up and followed his scent. "You know what? If you are running away you have the sense of a pea. You can't run away from your problems they always come back to bite you in the ass." Katira was stnding behind him when she nipped him in the butt.

2006-01-09 [DELTA 1]: *he jumped* ouww and im not running away from my pain i have a score to settle i have to revenge my little brother and his soul wont rest until there all dead

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: Sora woke up,"owwwwww..." she slowly stands up,"you didn't have to be so harsh."

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: "What the pack?" She just sat down and looked at him.

2006-01-09 [eyes of frost]: ((Hey can we hold off for a few I have to get off for a little while but will be back on later. Bye.))

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha glared at Blitz he wasn't standing down, He bared his fangs, "Listen to me Blitz and listen well if you want to help the pack work with me not aginst me!" Yudan watched Darsha, she knew if Blitz disobeyed him 1 more time he would hurt him.


2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: Sora stood and watched.

2006-01-09 [Yudan333]: Darsha growls, "THEN LEAVE THIS PLACE! You have no right in this pack if you will not take stand and stand down against those of higher rank!" Yudan had been a soldier wolf before she fought many battles perhaps she could get Blitz to calm.

2006-01-09 [kagome-180]: Sora has necer seen Blitz acked this way and she looked at him with sad eyes


2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Darsah disappears and re-appears and his jaw was open to bite down onto Blitz neck. Yudan bolts and pushed Blitz out of the way. A loud yelp filled the air. Yudan winced, her neck in Darsha's powerful jaws. Blood dripped to the ground, "Darsha please no... let him be... Look into his mind you know his pain... think of how you could help him..." Darsha gently lets Yudan down, his jaws covered with her blood, "I don't want to help him... he dosen't know me... or my past..." He disappears. Yudan fell to the ground and winced a bit, she sadly looked down.

2006-01-10 [kagome-180]: Sora rushed up to Yudan,"Yudan! Are you ok?!"

2006-01-10 [DELTA 1]: *blitz turned away* i can take him down ive fought many things tougher than him and they all wound up dead but this is revenge

2006-01-10 [kagome-180]: Sora got infront of Blitz,"Blitz please wait."

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan shook her head, "You do not know his power... He has enough power to cause the end of the world... *she winced and licked her neck best she could, she couldn't reach the wound. She sighs and looked at Blitz, "Your too cocky... thats what we dont need in a pack... we all have to fight together and be one... ((holding off for eyes of frost))

2006-01-10 [DELTA 1]: im not cocky im pissed at the world and i have faced those odds before like the day when he died

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan sadly spoke, "your not the only one who has lost a brother.... have you ever died for the one you loved... but only come back to realize you failed..."

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "YUDDY!" Katira ran over and nudged her up licking her wound. "Hang on let me go get some bandages." Katira ran off and let a growl out at Darsha. "Idiot"

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked at Yudan then walks away. Yudan sadly watched him leave her, She forced herself up, her wounds bled more. She winced and let it for the moment it didn't bother her.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira came back in human form and mumbled something to Darsha. "Don't leave her. After I am done help her walk back to a safe spot and keep an eye on her." Katira walked over to Yudan and sat down. She was naked because she had no clothes but she didn't think anyone cared. "Hold still and sit. You need to stop moving." She put some mushed leaves on the wound and then covered it with some bandages.

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan pulls back a bit but let her help, she wanted to snap at her since she looked human. Darsha growls, "Yudan can protect herself..." He disappears into a black smog. Yudan sadly sighs and lays down, her face sad, "It's all his fault..." She meant Blitz... he had only brought trouble to the pack.

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: *just stood there growling. She wasnt to happy at all this fuss. She knew the guys would fight sooner or later. If only they had left the females alone. Poor Yudan....* // Tala: *fainted and fell to the ground.* // Tantsia: *smiled. She was quite enjoying the evil temperments being unleashed.*

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "It's alright...he will get over himself when he realizes he won't be able to get his revenge for his brother." She looked down and Yudan."You know, Darsha is an asshole. Why is he the alpha again?" She smiled and shook out her fur and changed back into wolf form. She loved being what she was and didn't care to much for her human form. "And Darsha will come back. He feels horrible for attacking you, but thinks your probably deserved it a little for jumping in his way." Katira nudged Yudan lightly. "Come on be happy."

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan sighs and looked at Tala then to Kiche, she didn't hide her sadness she let it fill her, she looked away and grunts lightly.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "What a bunch of downers." Katira layed next to Yudan and just watched for Darsha. "Let me tell you...if I was a man...I would give him the whooping of his life." She mumbled it to herself hoping no one else heard.

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: "dont underestimate his power... he is leader for a reason... he has fought wars, humans and wolfs... he's fought packs single pawed and come out without a scratch... though he has endured much pain and suffering like myself..." She sighs.

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche: smiled when she heard Katira mumble. She laughed a bit. "Yea, Me too." she nodded her head agreeingly as she walked over to Yudan and layed down next to her. "Will you be alright Yudan?"

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira looked at Yudan. "Look I may not be immortal because I gave up that power for pathetic human love but let me tell you soemthing, I am not push over either. If only I was a man..." She looked to Kiche and then back at Yudan. "Come, lets go get something to eat."

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked away and then stood she starts to walk away, blood trickled down her leg but it quickly stopped when she healed it.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira got up and followed her. "Coming Kiche?"

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche shook her head. "No thanks, I have to wake Tala." She walked over to Tala and gently bit her ear.

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Tala slowly awoke and jumped Kiche playfully. "AHHHH! YOU BIT ME!"

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "Alright." Katira just followed Yudan. and whispered to her, "Sorry for my comment back there. I meant no offense."

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche got up laughing. "Dont faint next time and we wont have that problem." she said playfully.

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Tantisa went running off into the forest. She had a mission of her own.

2006-01-10 [Princess Mononoke]: Kiche and Tala both noticed Tantsia left. They looked at eachother and then sped off tword Tantsia, they were racing.

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan was silent her eyes were lit silver as the night made them reflect like steel. She walked steathly and stops. She lifted her nose into the air and made a low growl then continues.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira just followed her not saying anything else. She stopped when she smelled smelled like a fresh death. "You smell that Yudan?"

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: It didn't smell smelled like human death.

2006-01-10 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy looked around."I'm going to find ot what theese 'humans' are..."She said walking away.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira just ran towrads the scent. it didn't smell right. She found a small child laying face down on the ground. "Oh my god." She ran over changing into human form. The child could have been no more then ten or eleven. "Hey, buddy you okay?" He wasn't breathing

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan walks to Katira's side, "Let me see him..."

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira moved over holding the boys head in her hands and her eyes went completely slack. There was nothing there, no emotions nothing. "He's dead...he's been here by the looks of it a little over an hour."

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan put her nose to the boys chest, the boys body glowed a violet blue, she was using her healing powers, she took the pain from him and restored him. She heard his heart-beat and steps back.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "Katira just looked at her. "How...never mind. I don't want to know." She kissed Yudans nose and picked up the boy. "Go back, I am going to return him to..." She looked at the boy, "Where did you come from young man?" He just looked at her, "I don't just...came here and said goodbye. That was the last thing that I remember lady." He kicked her. "Let me down!"

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked at the boy and her sinver eyes and her looks would make her seem scarry, she was growling a bit, she didn't want katira to get hurt.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: Katira just looked at the boy. "You know that was not very nice. You could have asked for me to set you down." She set him down but held firmly to his shirt. "This is Yudan. She saved your life. You might want to tell her thank you by giving her your name and petting her behind the ears." The boy just backed behind the naked Katira. "She doesn't look to happy...I am not touching her lady. Are you crazy?!" To show him Katira reached down and pet Yudan's head. She was thankful when Yudan didn't snap at her and make her out to be a lier. "See. She isn't mean, she just doesn't trust people. You just have to show her that you are nice."

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked at the boy with curiousity and gently moves foward a bit.

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: The boy looked and shook in his little shoes. He put out a hand slowly...and when she didn't bit him, he reached back and pat behind her ears. He smiled, "You were right. So...where am I?" Katira looked at Yudan. "Should we tell him or not?<i>"Missing: </i>

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Yudan was looking at the boy she was amazed, he didn't hit her... She slowly moves foward and puts her head against his chest and nuzzles his face gently. 'Tell him the truth...'

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "Well son, I am a Katagaria. Yudan here is a shapeshifter." She smiled as the boy looked at her but quickly the smile faded as she saw the horror in his eyes. "Y-y-you arrree....." She slowly got up and started moving backwards. The boy turned and ran for it screaming, "I'm not going! You aren't going to get me! Your just like pa! You don't want any of your own kind and you'll eat me!" Katira felt like an arrow was just shot through her heart and she doubled over and fell to her knees. "I...can't believe I didn't see it...he is..." She didn't finish before she ran off after the child.

2006-01-10 [DELTA 1]: *blitz came to a tree and sat down at attention not twitching or moving you cannot even tell hes breathing but he was hoping darsha would see him and jump out of the bush and slice his throat*

2006-01-10 [kagome-180]: Sora went around trying to find Blitz.Finally she was near the ree that he was siting by but she was stareing at the ground so she didn't know he was there.

2006-01-10 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked down at blitz from a branch with dark eyes, "You want me to kill You?" He could sense he wanted him to attack. Yudan looked back sensing darsha, she worried abit about Blitz now. She disappears.

2006-01-10 [kagome-180]: Sora looked up and saw Darsh in the tree and just stared at him

2006-01-10 [DELTA 1]: *blitz looked up* yes you wanted to kill me didnt you im not affraid

2006-01-10 [eyes of frost]: "Wait!" Katira ran after the child. He was heading for the woods. He would get lost. " me..." She sent out a howl hoping some of the pack would help her look for the child. She stopped for a minute and grabbed a pair of lether pants and a shirt she burried and put them on the continued running following his scent.

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: The boy kept running and he tripped a few times. He grabbed onto a tree and started to climb it. He had to get away. "GO AWAY!"

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy ran over to the tree the boy was climing."Is that what we call 'human'?"

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: Katira ran over and pulled Frizzy away from the tree. "Get back to the pack now!"

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: "You can't boss me around"Frizzy snapped."I'm on a mission to find out what theesehumans are,and no one is going to stop me."

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: Katira turned him around and slapped her little puppy butt. "I said go! NOW!" She said it with a growl to her voice.

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: ((Her))Frizzy growled and walked away,but not back to the pack.Back to her old home...

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: Katira sighed and turned back to the boy. "Please come down from there. I am NOT going to eat you!" She grabbed ahold of his foot but only momentarily. He kicked her off and climbed higher.

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy turned around."Do you think it is hungery,what ever it is?"

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: Katira let out a low growl at her to tell her to leave at once. Then she sent out a help howl to the pack. Hopefully Yudan knew what it was about..."PLease...come down from there!" She stopped and looked at him. "What is your name at least?" The boy looked at her, "Kipper..."

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: "I like that name...Kipper....Hmmm"Frizzy said turning and walking away.

2006-01-11 [eyes of frost]: Katira just signed and sat at the foot of the tree. "So why do you think I am going to eat you?"

2006-01-11 [Raiyr]: Autumn responded to the howl and ran toward Katira. "What's the problem?" She asked skidding to a stop by Katira

2006-01-11 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy ran over to her mom."I wish the pack would jst back off..."

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